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Partner Agreement and

Code of Conduct 

The Nakiska Alpine Ski Association and its Member Clubs aim to provide exceptional training and racing programs to athletes at all levels. Our programs are athlete-centered, coach-driven and parent/administration-supported. We believe athletes have the best chance for success when everyone makes a coordinated team effort in the pursuit of excellence!


The Code of Conduct is designed to:

  • Ensure the safety and well-being of every participant;

  • Respect that all participants have the right to participate in the best program possible without interference from the inappropriate behavior of others; and

  • Promote a positive public perception of NASA, its Member Clubs, and its sponsors.


The Nakiska Alpine Code of Conduct holds all athletes, parents and coaches accountable for the highest standard of behavior in training and competition. Being a member of Nakiska Alpine, its Member Clubs, and the sport of ski racing is an earned privilege and an honor, and with this comes responsibility. In all aspects of training and competition, we are ambassadors for Nakiska Alpine and the sport of ski racing.


As a member of the Alberta Alpine Ski Association (AASA), Nakiska Alpine and its Member Clubs should follow and uphold the rules and regulations of that organization.  Nakiska Alpine expects all its members to follow the Alberta Alpine Code of Conduct as well as our own Code of Conduct. Infractions of the Codes of Conduct by any member of the club will be subject to disciplinary action. This may include the immediate suspension from all club activities by the supervising coach until the Nakiska Alpine Board of Directors reviews and decides upon the matter. The coach has the discretion to decide when an athlete may or may not train or race.


Nakiska Alpine Disciplinary Process


By signing the Partner Agreement and Code of Conduct, Parents, Athletes and Coaches agree that any infringement of the Code of Conduct by an Athlete is grounds for disciplinary action as detailed below.


Minor Infractions


Behaviors that have a limited impact on the Athlete, other Athletes or individuals and/or the program including, but not limited to:

  • Inappropriate use of language;

  • Failure to participate in the program in a positive manner; and

  • Infractions of any aspect of the Code of Conduct.


Penalties for Minor Infractions


If a minor infraction occurs during training or a race, the Coach is responsible for administering disciplinary action, which may result in the loss of the privilege to participate in training and/or racing for the remainder of the training session or race. The Coach will notify the parents of the issue as soon as reasonably possible. Notification may occur at the end of the training session during athlete drop off.


For the first offense of a minor infraction, the Athlete’s Coach will meet with the Athlete and:

  • State specifically the nature of the problem;

  • State specifically which part of the Code of Conduct has been violated;

  • Document the problem in writing; and

  • Notify the parent of the problem.


For repeat offenses of a minor infraction, the Athlete is subject to the penalties that apply to Major Infractions.


Major Infractions


Behaviors that have a serious impact on the Athlete, other Athletes or individuals and/or the program, including but not limited to:

  • Use of alcohol, tobacco products including vaping, illegal drugs, cannabis in any form, prescription drugs that are not medically approved, and banned performance-enhancing drugs or supplements;

  • Use of explicit language;

  • Engaging in sexual misconduct;

  • Harassment, hazing or bullying;

  • Physical violence;

  • Engaging in unsafe and/or unsanctioned activities;

  • Theft and/or vandalism;

  • Engaging in any criminal or illicit behaviour; and

  • Repeated minor infractions.


Penalties of Major Infractions


If a major infraction occurs during training or a race, the Coach is responsible for administering disciplinary action which may result in the loss of the privilege to participate in training and/or racing for the remainder of the training session or race series.


The Coach will notify the Parents and Program Director of the issue immediately. For all major infractions, a meeting will be held between the:

  • Athlete;

  • Coach(es);

  • Parent(s);

  • Program Director; and

within a reasonable period of time. It may mean the athlete(s) miss race or training days if a meeting is not possible immediately after the infraction.


The Coach and/or Program Director will:

  • State specifically the nature of the problem;

  • State specifically which part of the Code of Conduct has been violated;

  • Document the problem in writing; and

  • Advise the Parents and Athlete that the issue will be submitted to the NASA Board of Directors for its review and possible disciplinary action.


All major infractions at any Nakiska Alpine Member Club are automatically submitted to the Nakiska Alpine Board of Directors, and they are responsible for disciplinary action for major infractions. The Nakiska Alpine Board of Directors can implement the following consequences for major infractions, at its discretion, including but not limited to the following:

  • Loss of privilege to participate in training and/or racing for a longer, defined period of time; and

  • Expulsion from the program, without financial reimbursement of program fees.


Parents who are Nakiska Alpine Board of Directors Members must remove themselves from any disciplinary meetings concerning their own athlete.


Decisions of the Nakiska Alpine Board of Directors are final.


There will be no refund of program and/or race fees or make-up training sessions for time missed as a result of disciplinary action of any kind. If dismissal from the program, or an event occurs while traveling, the Athlete may be sent home immediately at the parent's cost at whatever means is most convenient.


Grievance Procedure


Nakiska Alpine and its Member Clubs will make every effort to address and resolve Parent/Athlete concerns and grievances. If an Athlete or Parent has a concern or grievance regarding any aspect of the program, please follow this procedure:

  1. Discuss the issue with the Athlete’s Coach;

  2. If you are unable to resolve the issue, discuss it with the Program Director; and

  3. If the issue remains unresolved, bring it before the Member Club’s Board of Directors.


If your issue directly involves a Coach or the Program Director, discuss it first with that individual. If the issue remains unresolved, take your grievance to the next appropriate level.


Concerns and grievances will not be addressed during training sessions or races as this is disruptive to both Coaches and Athletes. Please schedule a time with the appropriate individual to discuss any issues.


Code of Conduct


Athlete Responsibilities​​

By signing the Partner Agreement and Code of Conduct, I agree to:



  • Participate fully in the training and racing program:

    • Attend training sessions as often as possible;

    • Participate in races;

    • Be on time for training sessions and races;

    • Wear my team uniform to train and at races;

    • Follow my Coaches’ advice on diet, rest, and mental preparation;

    • Be prepared with the proper equipment; and

    • Maintain my equipment.

  • Give my best effort at all times.

  • Respect my Coaches and accept their decisions.

  • Give my best effort at school.

  • Inform my teachers about ski-related absences, ask about schoolwork I may miss, and follow through on plans to make up my schoolwork.

  • Avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco products including vaping, illegal drugs, cannabis in any form, prescription drugs that are not medically approved, and banned performance-enhancing drugs or supplements.



  • Be courteous during training sessions and at races to all:

    • Coaches;

    • Parents;

    • Officials;

    • Volunteers; and

    • Employees and Customers of ski areas and training venues.

  • Respect the property and equipment of ski areas, training venues, and other people.

  • Follow all club and coaching policies.

  • Respect the Skier’s Responsibility Code at each ski area, being sure to:

    • Free ski in control and at a safe speed;

    • Respect all skiers on the hill, especially non-racers; and

    • Obey all posted signs and instructions from the ski patrol, ski area employees, and coaches.



  • Represent Nakiska Alpine, my team and myself with:

    • Respect;

    • Sportsmanship;

    • Team spirit;

    • Leadership; and

    • Good manners.

  • Follow the rules of the sport.

  • Treat teammates and other ski racers with respect.

  • Acknowledge all good performances by my teammates and my opponents.

  • Be a gracious winner and a gracious loser.

  • Refuse to participate in, condone, or support bullying, discrimination and harassment by my teammates and other ski racers, including cyber-bullying.


Parent Responsibilities​

By signing the Partner Agreement and Code of Conduct, I agree to:


  • Support and be an advocate for my child;

  • Set an example of positive behavior for my child and our team;

  • Acknowledge and applaud good performances by my child, our team, and our opponents;

  • Respect all club and coaching policies;

  • Communicate respectfully with Coaches and Administrators on all aspects of the training program;

  • Communicate issues in my child’s personal life that may affect my child’s performance and/or behavior;

  • Discuss issues or concerns with coaches outside of training sessions or races;

  • Support Coaches’ and Officials’ decisions in public;

  • Do my best to get my child to training and races on time and prepared with good nutrition, hydration, and clothing;

  • Commit to volunteering activities within the program;

  • Follow through on financial obligations to the club in a timely manner;

  • Refuse to participate in, condone or support bullying, discrimination, and harassment of our athletes and other ski racers, including cyber-bullying; and

  • Attend an annual parent information session prior to the start of any on snow training.


Coach Responsibilities​

By signing the Partner Agreement and Code of Conduct, I agree to:


  • Commit 100% of my effort to the program and the personal achievement of the athletes;

  • Continue to upgrade my coaching skills and knowledge;

  • Teach the Athletes, in a logical sequence, using all the available development tools available;

  • Communicate with Athletes on any and all aspects of their personal goals;

  • Communicate with Parents on appropriate aspects of the team and individual athlete programs;

  • Set an example and behave in accordance with the:

    • Athlete’s Code of Conduct (above);

    • Canadian Ski Coaches Federation; and

    • Canadian Ski Instructors’ Alliance code of ethics and principles.

  • Represent the best interests of all Athletes;

  • Respect the rules of the sport and teach my Athletes to respect these rules;

  • Treat my Athletes in the following manner:

    • Ensure they all get equal instruction and support;

    • Encourage them to have fun;

    • Encourage confidence in themselves; and

    • Talk to them with respect, even after mistakes or poor performances.

  • Refuse to participate in, condone, or support bullying, discrimination, and harassment of my athletes or other ski racers, including cyber-bullying;

  • Avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco products including vaping, illegal drugs, cannabis in any form, prescription drugs that are not medically approved, and banned performance-enhancing drugs or supplements while in performance of my duties; or interferes with my ability to perform effectively and safely.

© 2025 by Nakiska Alpine Ski Association

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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